Monday, November 29, 2010

Apple: A complaint

Just purchased the following:

iMac 21"
Airport Extreme

the complaints:
1. iMac seems to have a well-complained about blue-tooth related "wake from sleep" problem.
2. Apple "support" site is so jammed or slow that you can't even post about it.
3. the very cool looking sync feature in "Address Book" with yahoo is currently busted. why is all this stuff allowed to be broken all the time? documentation from either Apple or Yahoo is out of date...10.6.5 must plain be just too new
4. Apple still doesn't seem to have a solution for the tremendous "roving sync" problems many of us have...multiple locations, multiple computers. I can't buy anything while on vacation due to this, for starters. iTunes still doesn't have a way to share libraries accross user id's on machines, either. As iTunes gets more central to our lives, Apple needs to address this stuff or we'll have to exit the Apple ecosystem. for AirPort extreme:
5. no web interface for setup...but, to be fair, the Airport Utility is quite good.
6. no support for DynDNS!!! What??? If I had known this, I would not have bought the thing. This router is replacing (my last ever!) Cisco/Linksys WRT54G had problems at a deep level with certain WiFi hosts...causing it to crash the WiFi side of the network about every 4 days like clockwork--requiring a re-boot of the router. I hope Apple adds DynDNS at minimum to the Airport line, very convenient, with a firmware update.

Other than that...beautiful, speedy hardware that is simply incredible. I wish I could junk every last one of my windows machines and laptops!!!

That is all.

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