Thursday, November 17, 2011

Newt and the Pot of Gold

Newt Gingrich got paid a huge wad of $$$ for consulting with Fannie/Freddie.  This is supposed to be some sort of scandal?  Who cares?  As one who has been in consulting in the past, the answer to a client that overpays you is always "yes"!  Congrats to Newt.  Who knows what he promised or delivered...he got PAID.  That is the job.  One must get PAID!!!  The only reason to refuse clients are if they don't PAY or they are too stupid and annoying to deal with under any circumstances.  PERIOD.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

MSM v. Twitter Hate

So, will the MSM be forced to confront the abuse and hate on the left that is daily revealed on Twitter?

It has lately become a custom for various figures on the right in the blogosphere to retweet the hate tweets they get.  Michelle Malkin, Andrew Breitbart, and Dana Loesch seem to be favorites of the most vile and racist hate I've ever seen--DAILY.

Last night's conclusion to the Troy Davis affair brought the worst of the worst out to play.

Will the MSM be forced to examine the hatred on the left AND the importance of social media?  Or will they be in denial on both fronts for the obvious vested interests in the left and the MSM itself?  If they were honest, wouldn't they already be covering the outrageous behavior in WI during the Teachers' Demonstrations? And the various invasions and mob shouting now routinely witnessed at any event Ann Coulter or Andrew Breitbart are allowed to speak?

I won't hold my breath or anything...but at some point a good story will be covered.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Obamacare explained

The central feature of "Obamacare" is the "ACO", or Accountable Care Organization.  The theories and regs are both nonexistent and confusing.

At last somebody made a nice list of the important features.  Behold!


Monday, August 15, 2011

Shut up, Warren

Again with the rich guy who PURPOSEFULLY doesn't take down capital gains and have them recognized as income and therefore TAXED, wanting higher taxes! On what? A wealth tax? Higher income taxes?

SHUT UP, Warren! You can tax the crap outta yourself by just selling some Berkshire stock. Than pay and pay and pay. Also, you can just plain send money to the Gov't for deficit reduction...they have a web site and address and everything.

How do you make a contribution to reduce the debt?

There are two ways for you to make a contribution to reduce the debt:

  • You can make a contribution online either by credit card, checking or savings account at
  • You can write a check payable to the Bureau of the Public Debt, and in the memo section, notate that it's a Gift to reduce the Debt Held by the Public. Mail your check to:

    Attn Dept G
    Bureau of the Public Debt
    P. O. Box 2188
    Parkersburg, WV 26106-2188

You're welcome, Warren.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Now I get it!

I think I finally figured it out!

The whole Obama "don't call my bluff" misspeak and reminded me of something. Then I remembered! Let me explain via more old-skool SAT-type analogy fun!

Austin Powers : "Allow myself to introduce...myself." :: Obama : "Don't call my bluff"

Perfect--in content and tone. Now I can sleep...

Redeye 20110715

Just finished watching last nights Redeye! It was classic!

Bob Beckel has a perverse sense of humor, which always works...but I love his just under the surface melancholia about the state of liberalism today.

In his day, the left was young, new, fresh, fighting for things they believed in like stopping VietNam, more freedom, etc. He was an athlete, a leader, a rebel.

Now the left is just another bunch of crazies or worse, just another set of millionaire lawyer talking heads spouting rubbish that they even MUST KNOW is rubbish.

Meanwhile, the right is unsettled...trying to find a 3rd way of its the conjunction of the right with conservative religion a going concern? Prerequisite? Or is it solely economics? Or just mere opposition? At least we on the right have good crazy and bad crazy...and a Hegelian new synthesis is inevitable.

I am optimistic.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Separated at birth?

Wow. Just noticed this. I guess Catherine Herridge of FNC has a new book out, got good review on Heritage or NR.

Mariska Hargitay

Catherine Herridge

Reminds me of the old "Spy" feature, "Separated at Birth"!