Saturday, July 16, 2011

Redeye 20110715

Just finished watching last nights Redeye! It was classic!

Bob Beckel has a perverse sense of humor, which always works...but I love his just under the surface melancholia about the state of liberalism today.

In his day, the left was young, new, fresh, fighting for things they believed in like stopping VietNam, more freedom, etc. He was an athlete, a leader, a rebel.

Now the left is just another bunch of crazies or worse, just another set of millionaire lawyer talking heads spouting rubbish that they even MUST KNOW is rubbish.

Meanwhile, the right is unsettled...trying to find a 3rd way of its the conjunction of the right with conservative religion a going concern? Prerequisite? Or is it solely economics? Or just mere opposition? At least we on the right have good crazy and bad crazy...and a Hegelian new synthesis is inevitable.

I am optimistic.

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