Sunday, January 31, 2010

"Gabriel Over the White House" (1933)

Just finished up this bizarre movie called "Gabriel Over the White House" (1933). It is a pre WWII, pre-FDR movie about the angel Gabriel possessing the idiot President of the US played by Walter Huston. This heavenly possession results in the POTUS going nuts and becoming a popular dictator, who dismisses Congress and creates public works projects programs and pays off a group of unemployed that look like the "Bonus Army" of historical fact. He then threatens all the rest of the powers of the world with war/destruction over repayment of WWI (Great War if you prefer) debts--while repudiating the various Naval Treaties that limited the Battleship Race of the period. Which works...and makes him even more popular at home in the USA! He then signs a treaty for repayment and some sort of utopian arms control package. He then dies, without explanation! This movie was frightening in it's seeming promotion of anti-Democratic, un-Constitutional actions as a solution to the depression. I guess one could say that FDR's actual administration was a milder version of this? Read "FDR's Folly" if you don't believe me. This movie actually seemed to be advocating fascism...and was pulled from release after a little-known politician, Chancellor Hitler, pulled similar shennanigans in Jan 1933. The Great Depression and the 30s and 40s in general were a bizarre period.

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