Saturday, March 12, 2011

Japan: how about some real coverage?

I find the coverage of Japan to be really lacking. Very solid info.

Also, no coverage of the political crisis and weakness of the current gov'ts. Japan supresses all unfavorable coverage--it's a sort of cultural trait compounded with the language issues. As one that lived in Japan even for a short time (1 year) the gov't and crime scandals that are covered in the local press are amazing. Constant gov't scandals in Foreign Ministry, etc.

The Japan nuclear industry was also routinely shabby--I would lay money that most of the bad stuff happening due to the earthquake at the affected reactors will be found to have been completely preventable if the regulators would have enforced actual law. 2 backups both down? On all reactors?

Japan's leadership and excellence in the private sector (Toyota, Honda, Suzuki, Yamaha, Hitachi, Sharp, etc.) is only matched by the routine corruption and incompetence of it's government. Go read and for a few years, you'll see what I mean.

Good luck to all--people of Japan deserve better!

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