Saturday, March 5, 2011

KTCA Almanac

Yes, Almanac is an excellent program. Easily the most worthwhile weekly MN public affairs program--also the only one.

Yet, it is so suffused with "default" leftist thinking that it is infuriating to watch. Any GOP/IR guest that counsels limited gov't, limited spending is routinely insulted and mocked by the rest of the panel...who have such outrageous views that they are literally hilarious.

DFL = never enough spending, always need more spending, must have gov't solution for everything.

Is MN a particularly worst case? Or is it that the overwhelming leftist leaning of the media is even more acute at the local level nationally?

MPR also suffers from this same problem. Ironically, they are staffed by the same people on air--who knows about behind the scenes?

Sadly, the U of MN constantly is in the left camp. Is there no amount of funding that the U can succeed with? Is the U leading in anything anymore? Except spending? Why isn't there a widely available and trustworthy benchmark for higher ed spending...some index based on teaching & classroom vs. admin costs?

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